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ARMA Saskatchewan is pleased to announce the third session in this years ongoing program series that will highlight the need for corporate disciplines to work together in order to achieve Information Governance in their organizations.

The third presentation will be IT 101 which follows the Risk and Security 101’s. As a refresher, the first presentation on each discipline will be an awareness 101 session presented by Rick Stirling the President of Western Information Management while the second session on each discipline will be presented by an industry expert in the topic. All of these will be followed up by an information governance presentation and panel discussion with the experts at the completion of the series.

The ARMA Saskatchewan board is aware of the difficulty many of its members have in traveling to take in educational programming so in order to allow maximum attendance to this important series of presentations the board has licensed GoToWebinar. This will allow maximum online attendance without the need to travel. This medium of delivery will also allow our members to take in educational content with their colleagues in their own offices.

Since Information Governance is a senior management proposition this also allows our members to extend an invitation to their senior management as well on the hopes that these presentations open positive dialogue corporately about Information Governance.

Session 3 – IT 101, 11:00 AM October 19th     1Hour

This session will offer the attendees an introduction and awareness of the IT discipline as it is today and how it fits within the Information Governance framework.

For those that did not get an opportunity to hear the Risk Management and Security 101 sessios the recordings are located at http://ig.westernim.com/workshops  . The slide presentations and other resources are also available in the resource area of the WesternIM IG Community website at http://ig.westernim.com.


Please take this opportunity to invite your information governance partners in your organization to join you for the webinar or to register on their own.  Because all of the webinars are recorded, you might even consider hosting a lunch and learn in your workplace!

Rick Stirling is the President of WesternIM and a recognized expert and pioneer in the Information Management community in both Canada and the United States. From his over 40 years in the IT field to his involvement in the delivery of the first content management and electronic records management software solutions ever created Rick is one of Canada’s most respected authorities on Information Governance.

Over the last two decades Rick has specialized in the strategic and business development of the information management profession and implementation of electronic solutions in both the public and private sectors.

Often called upon to provide workshops focusing on strategic planning and Information Governance, Rick is a frequent speaker at events in both Canada and US.

Rick has served ARMA International and the Information Management Profession in the following capacities: 

  • Technology Advisory and multiple International Conference Program Committees
  • Trustee on the Educational Foundation Board
  • Region Manager, President and Marketing Director for the Canadian Region
  • the International Board of Directors
  • member of the task force that authored the ARMA “Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles”
  • member of the Information Governance Professional (IGP) task force that authored much of the original IGP certification material
  • currently serving on the Information Governance Professional Board


About ARMA

Established on May 2, 1983, the Saskatchewan Chapter became the tenth Canadian chapter at that time.  By July 1983, the chapter comprised of 33 members from private business, Crown corporations as well as all levels of government, archivists, office equipment vendors, health records personnel, and the two Universities; of the 33 original members, 21 were from Saskatoon and 12 from Regina. 

 Our objectives are:

  • To promote and advance the improvement of records and information management and related fields through study, education and research;
  • To advance professional knowledge and techniques by sharing/exchanging experiences and information related to the field of Records and Information Management;
  • To support the enhancement of professionalism of the members of ARMA International who live or work in Saskatchewan;
  • To promote cooperative endeavors with related professional groups in the province of Saskatchewan.


About WesternIM

WesternIM specializes in information management and governance consulting services as well as the implementation of enterprise capable solutions surrounding those disciplines.  We work with our clients from conceptualization through long term maintenance.  WesternIM clients throughout Canada include municipalities, provincial governments, NGO’s and private sector companies in many different market sectors.


WesternIM offices are located in the Innovation Place research park on the University of Saskatchewan campus, 105 – 110 Research Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 3R3. 

Contact us at 306.384.6868, Office@WesternIM.com. www.WesternIM.com.