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RickWhy Should Our Team go to the ARMA Sponsored WesternIM Information Governance Workshop?
The term Information Governance is not new but is now widely used in publications of all types in many different disciplines. ARMA Saskatchewan is sponsoring WesternIM to present a half day workshop in both Regina and Saskatoon this month so that corporations can bring a mixed group of participants to interact and gain insight on the topic.

Legal, IT, Privacy, Risk, Senior Management, Security, Administration, RIM

Since IG relates to enhancing and connecting all of the corporate disciplines above the investment for the workshop is $99. for the first participant from an organization and only $49.50. for the second and subsequent participants (maximum 8 from any one organization) is one of the year’s best opportunities.

To register visit the ARMA website

The half day workshop will include a full hot breakfast from 8:00 am – 9:00.

9:00 am

What is Information Governance?

Why would it be good for our Corporation?

How IG should work?

Workshop Number 1 (Shared Drive Project)

10:30 am – Break

10:45 am – Workshop 2 (We just want to buy software)

11:45 am – Questions (open forum)

12:00 – Close

The workshop will be led by:


Rick Stirling is the President of WesternIM and a recognized expert and pioneer in the Information Management community in both Canada and the United States. From his over 40 years in the IT field to his involvement in the delivery of the first content management and electronic records management software solutions ever created Rick is one of Canada’s most respected authorities on Records and Information Management.
Rick Stirling has extensive business experience, and possesses a comprehensive knowledge of Information Technology infrastructure, enterprise software, and the integration of many of the disparate pieces required today.
Over the last two decades Rick has specialized in the strategic and business development of the information management profession and implementation of electronic solutions in both the public and private sectors.
He has frequently been called to assist in the positioning of technology projects and information management/processes within organizations and is able to comfortably deliver business value to the specific situations that arise at the Executive/Board level.
Often called upon to provide workshops focusing on strategic planning and Information Governance, Rick is a frequent speaker at events in both Canada and USA.
Rick has served the Information Management Profession in the following capacities:


– member of the task force that authored the ARMA “Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles”
– member of the Information Governance Professional (IGP) task force that authored much of the original IGP certification material
– currently serving on the Information Governance Professional Board


He is also a long term member of AIIM (the Association for Information and Image Management) and has served as a section President for CIPS (the Canadian Information Processing Society).

WesternIM offices are located in the Innovation Place research park on the University of Saskatchewan campus, 214-111 Research Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 3R2.
Contact us at 306.384.6868, fax at 1.888.752.3133, Office@WesternIM.com. www.WesternIM.com.

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