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Workshop – Information Governance: A New Beginning! – October 18, 2016

ARMA Edmonton invites you to an October 18, 2016 workshop, Information Governance:  A New Beginning! ARMA Edmonton invites you to join us as Rick Stirling leads this engaging interactive workshop.  Come enjoy a day of collaboration and experience first-hand how IG intersects with a variety of professional disciplines.  Session details are available through the following […]


Why OMB is good for your IG program

Over the last couple of decades many good things have come out of the United States related to Records and Information Management, and have been of value in Canada as well. For example there is DoD 5015.2 [1] dating back to the mid 1990s and remains a defacto standard for EDRMS (Electronic Document and Records […]


ARMA Canadian Briefs

Topics provided by ARMA of recent legislative and regulatory issues that may affect the management of records and information in Canada. Government Confirms Data Breaches Affecting Employee Payment System Trending Resources on Records Management  Newfoundland Information and Privacy Commissioner Appointed Saskatchewan OIPC Sides with Employer in Computer Monitoring Businesses Urged to Keep Records of Email Consent […]

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