2016 Saskatchewan Connections Conference May 10th and 11th in Regina 1:00 – 2:00 pm http://www.skconnections.ca/sk2016/index
T43 – “Information Governance” What’s That? Just When I Get Records Management http://www.armacanadaconference.org/
Rick Stirling speaks at the “First Nations Records and Information Management Symposium” hosted in Whitehorse by the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Teslin Tlingit Council on April 29th Registration
In my last post, I made the brave statement that RM is dead. Nevertheless, I stand by it. In today’s information rich world, it is simply not possible for Records Management (and its practitioners) to be saddled with sole responsibility to manage the deluge of information corporations have to deal with. Truly, Information Management and […]
Part one Being a relative newcomer to the fascinating world of Records and Information Management, I can enjoy the luxury of ignorance. I’m going to proceed on the basis that it’s not the stupid kind of ignorance, but the type that comes from just not knowing certain things yet. It seems to me that Records […]
The Availability Principle refers to the timely and accurate retrieval of the information needed for corporate requirements, litigation and the support of the business processes. Availability is the Principle that seems to resonate with most users. We do many information management assessments that require interviews with various key stakeholders in those corporations and the most […]
One of my personal favourites This principle alludes to being able to prove lawful operation of the business, that the recordkeeping program meets and adheres to legislation, regulation and the laws of the land and that the records are retained for lawful amounts of time. Compliance is the one word that I hear the most […]
The Disposition Principle talks about just that – disposing of those records that are no longer needed after being held for an appropriate amount of time. It also speaks to migration of records to a new media if applicable. This would be appropriate if for instance the records were stored on CD’s or DVD’s since […]
Integrity is all about the corporate information being reliable and authentic, the reliability of training and direction to employees, the reliability of all the systems infrastructure hardware and software in the Corporation and about adhering to the policies and procedures of the Corporation. Integrity is one of my favourite principles because this is where the […]
Protection talks about security of information systems, protection from outside leaks of information and the confidentiality of the information. Protection also talks about auditability. Where do I start with protection – I guess at the beginning First of all there needs to be a corporate policy on information and it should have a few key […]