Every organization has some sort of directive to manage their records effectively. It is often difficult to closely adhere to these directives, since there are few tools that manage records well. Tools that are good at managing records are often not suited to the operational use of records in business processes, and tools that are […]
WesternIM’s AgileIM provides a powerful tool for modeling data in an organization’s environment. Software targeted at a specific vertical market often provides data objects that are optimized for the general needs of that market. This often means that an organization must choose between using software that is a poor match to their particular requirements, or […]
Reorganizing network shared drives with AgileIM Over time, as priorities, policies and personnel change, the organizational structure of a network shared drive can become outdated. The accessibility and useability of information on the shared drive might benefit from a restructuring, but such a task can be daunting in the face of hundreds of thousands of […]
WesternIM’s AgileIM tool can be used to clean up shared drives by identifying and removing Redundant, Obsolete and Trivial files (ROT). AgileIM uses highly efficient scanning algorithms to scan part or all of the directory structure on the shared drive. It then uses powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to assess the files and determine whether […]
IMCanadaConnect – Document Disposition – large scale clean-up June 28 at 12:00 CST Register Here Looking at Records and Documents and how to get started on a large-scale clean-up. Considering the move into electronic records. Join the discussion. Join the session at 12:00 CST on Wednesday, June 28(1100 BC/YT 1200 AB/NT/SK 1300 MB 1400 ON/QC […]
Description Let’s jump into Digital Transformation (or should we)? Join me, as I bring insight and touch upon digitization industry standards. Can Digital Transformation be complete without digitization of paper documents? Understand the five W’s of Digitization:• Who needs to digitize,• What needs to be digitized,• When is the right time to digitize,• Where should […]
Is technology a threat? What are the ethical challenges? Let’s do the right thing! Check out some learning objectives. • Understand the concept of privacy. • Recognize the influence of technology in processing personal information. • Information professionals accept the implications of managing private data – do you agree? Digital ethics describes the moral principles […]
If the RIM Program does not have annual reporting, the Principle of Accountability is not being met. But what should we be reporting on? Key Performance Indicators are the hottest buzzwords, but are they actually useful? Join Stacie Barclay, Ken Oldenburger and David Young as each of us give a few minutes of our […]
The Ethics of Data Privacy Join the session at 12:00 CST on Wednesday, April 19(1100 BC/YT 1200 AB/NT/SK 1300 MB 1400 ON/QC 1500 NB/NS/PE 1530 NL) Register Here Is technology a threat? What are the ethical challenges? Let’s do the right thing! You still have time to Register Now and check out some learning objectives. […]
Annual Reporting What does Executive need to know about the RIM Program? Join the session at 12:00 CST on Wednesday, April 5 Register Here If the RIM Program does not have annual reporting, the Principle of Accountability is not being met. But what should we be reporting on? Key Performance Indicators are the hottest […]