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RIM Month: RIMM Escape Room

In preparation of RIM Month coming in April, try running a RIMM Escape Room! Objective: The objective of this game is to challenge staff members to use their knowledge of records management practices to solve puzzles and escape from a virtual escape room. How to Play: This game can be a fun and challenging way […]


RIM Month: RIMM Bingo

“RIMM Bingo” In preparation of RIM Month coming in April, try running RIMM Bingo! Objective: The objective of this game is to encourage staff members to engage in good records management practices by completing various tasks related to records management. How to Play: This game can be a fun and engaging way to encourage staff […]


RIM Month: RIMM Scavenger Hunt!

In preparation of RIM Month coming in April, try running a RIM Scavenger Hunt! How to Play: This game can be a fun and interactive way to encourage staff members to explore and engage with different aspects of their organization’s records management program, and can help to build awareness and understanding of the importance of […]


Fun RM Seasonal Poll Questions

With the conclusion of our RIM does Happy Holiday event, we thought we would share the fun poll questions we asked. Feel free to use these at your Organizations holiday celebrations! Use three words to describe the year 2022? (Word cloud)  “If you could have any Christmas-themed superpower, what would it be?”  “If your records […]


IMCanadaConnect – Information Culture Analysis – Doyle Lahey

Information Culture Analysis:Understanding the Value and Attitudes of UsersWednesday September 28, 2022 Presentation Material: The practice of Records Management leans heavily on the control of records, namely through classification, retention, and disposition to ensure organizations maintain valuable documents as evidence of a transaction. As records managers, we expect individuals who create records to follow classification […]


Physical Records Now

Check Out AgileIM Download Slides Back to work with a paper records solution We have all been through an unprecedented two years, where working from home and virtual meetings have been the norm. While the pandemic is not over, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Smart companies are quickly re-establishing past practices […]


Support for COVID-19 Vaccine Pledge

  Canadian business leaders are pledging to support the national vaccine effort.WesternIM just signed the pledge.Read more about it here, and get your company involved too. https://bit.ly/2Y4jc4i   ARMA secret gamification code: Western_4vf COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Pledge While as business leaders we cannot make shipments of the vaccine arrive any sooner, we can take action […]