These days most companies are using their email to send content both internally and externally. Email is great because it is simple to use and allows for easy attachment of documents, images, spreadsheets, forms, or any other way that you are transferring information. This all goes smoothly until we are required to file all the […]
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan – 2019 November 5 Western Information Management Inc. (WesternIM), a Canadian-based leader in the records and information management industry, and PaperLite Company LLC, an information management services company based in Scottsdale, Arizona have entered into an agreement to combine their extensive experience in information management to better protect customer data and meet new, stringent […]
Western Information Management (WesternIM) are leaders in the records and information management industry. We have spearheaded the development of many of the standards that are used for international information and data management and governance.
A. Capture B. Classification C. Reorganization D. Migration Records management progression from a start-up situation to a fully managed enterprise records management solution can seem like an insurmountable task. Many organizations implementing a Record and information Management (RIM) program struggle with where to start. There are considerable digital files in multiple storage structures. Often records […]
The Story 2016 WesternIM undertook a 100,000 box physical records inventory and developed built a database for use my multiple staff to track results. Fast and accurate were the driving factors. 2017 WesternIM refined the database to permit capture of existing spreadsheet data and user processes for fast validation/editing using laptops for another client’s physical […]
Here at WesternIM we were hard at work over the lunch hour.
From all of here at WesternIM, we would like to thank Innovation Place for the great (and free) ice cream today.
A couple of larger support incidents have occurred recently. I thought it might be a good time to touch on the importance of a test environment in larger Information Systems. Case A: File Transfer Errors Imagine a scenario where users of your system could no longer access or enter content into your system. Entire business […]
Clearly, by now you understand that I do not think for a minute that RM is actually dead. I do however, believe that Records Management and its practitioners are in a unique position to lead the way and capitalize on today’s shift from Records and Information Management to Information Governance. Given the growth in both […]
With the difficulties of getting new users on board to your Documentum systems and knowing how important and critical this information is to business, WesternIM Connector For Outlook (WCO) has a long history of managing your mail as well as accessing your Documentum records. WCO provides an integration without compromising either Outlook or your Documentum […]