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armaARMA Winnipeg present

Digital Records: Managing what you can’t see

May 25, 2017
Registration 11:30 a.m.   Session 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Norwood Hotel, Winnipeg, MB
Followed by Chapter Annual General Meeting

Electronic records—ranging from scanned documents and emails to web pages and IM conversations—are a reality for virtually every organization. Regulatory requirements make managing information both a business priority and a legal obligation that demand the attention of many people ranging from public sector employees to  corporate boards of directors.

This seminar will pull back the curtain and take you behind the scenes to really look at the nuts and bolts of actually managing digital records. The presenters have an abundance of real world experience consulting with many high profile organizations. Please take a moment to review the outline of unique topics being covered in this exciting event.

Workshop Schedule & Outline

11:30 – 12:00 Registration
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 4:00

 Digital Records: Managing what you can’t see

1.      What are we looking for – that we can’t see?
a.       Unstructured Data
b.      Uncatalogued collections of documents

2.      Where might we look?
a.       C: Drives
b.      Home Drives on Networks
c.       Shared Network Drives
d.      Common (Everything Drives)
e.       Email

3.      What tools are around to help? (the ones we use and why)
a.       Robocopy, Command Prompt commands and batch files
b.      MS Excel and Access
c.       Tree Size & File Size (Pro and Free)
d.      EmEditor (Massive text file editing)
e.       Text Crawl
f.       Gsplit

4.      So you want to do an inventory (Seeing what’s there)
a.       Safety, Robocopy, and Batch Files/PowerShell
b.      Text files as output – Comma delimited vs Tab delimited

5.      Say what can you do with a text file you ask?
a.       A few tricks

6.      What Might you see (besides a mess)?
a.       File naming practices
b.      Taxonomies created on the fly
c.       Surprising volumetric data
d.      Far too many recipes
e.       Storage hogs
f.       A pretty good idea how long things sit (aging)

7.      What can we do with all this stuff?
a.       Make a case for naming standards
b.      Make for consistent taxonomies
c.       Support our cases with hard data – all the stuff we can now see and evaluate


Seminar Leaders
RON STEINKE — President of RIM Consulting Group Inc.

Ron has over 20 years’ experience in the field of Records and Information Management.

Ron specializes in developing records management programs that give organizations more efficient control over their information holdings, compliance with existing legislation and regulatory environment.  He is dedicated to the provision of quality records management consulting services.

Ron has been engaged as a Records Management Consultant in almost all facets for development of a Records and Information Management Program and has worked with a wide range of clients in both the public and private sector. He has excelled in the area of records management knowledge and skills through hands-on work experience in design and implementation for the City of Winnipeg (1973 to 2005) and as the Records Manager for the Public Works Department (2001-2005).

Specifically, this consisted of working with 9 Divisions, over 2,000 employees and over 400 PC work stations, handling the development of retention schedules, vital records program, file classification/taxonomy development, Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Coordinator (FIPPA), and development of records management training courses for City employees.

Jack Stafford
-Information Technology Consultant


  • Provided analytical, taxonomy design and Records and Information Systems evaluation services to various Public Sector organizations.
  • Lead negotiation teams that dealt with, Collective Agreements, Interagency service delivery, and Intergovernmental Agreements between the City of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba and the Government of Canada.
  • City of Winnipeg’s designate to the Health Information Systems Secretariat of the Province of Manitoba; a tri-level government initiative to create common data and records management standards amongst health agencies across Canada.
  • Project Manager for a multi departmental records management Request for Proposal.  (Records Management and Document management software selection to be used by City of Winnipeg)
  • Project Manager for the integration of Public Health Inspections information systems and records with the City’s License, Building Permit, Zoning and Planning services and Leisure Online; a complete Internet-based online booking and registrations system for all programs and services offered through the City of Winnipeg’s recreation facilities.

For more Information or To Register: http://www.armawinnipeg.org/index.html  Select:  Education


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