Online Help
Main Menu
Session drop-down menu contains the main application connection items.
Connect – This option is available if you are not currently connected to a AgileIM repository.
Disconnect – While connected to a repository, the Disconnect option will disconnect from your current session
Quit – Close the entire AgileIM application.
The Container menu items displays the options for Container objects in AgileIM
New – Initiates the creation of a new container in the Container Information section of the application.
Copy To New – Start a new copy of the current main form item to retain all values for a new object.
Print contains the main functions of getting information from your AgileIM repository.
Generate Report – Export to excel the current contents of the Tab View (Left side view).
Generate Container – Export to excel the current view Container and its Content List
Generate Content – Export to excel the current Container Information and selected Content.
Sync initiates a Electronic Profile sync. This runs all currently enabled Electronic Profiles, updating from their current contents. For more information on Syncing, refer to Synchronization.
Opens the AgileIM Options form. This contains General, Display, Connection, Webcam and OCR settings.
Admin Menu
Admin Menu contains all the administrative information and functions. Please refer to the corresponding Online Help Pages for these items.
Application Controls
Application Controls are the main Windows Application controls for the following actions.
Move – Click and drag to reposition AgileIM on your desktop.
Minimize – Minimize AgileIM to your Windows taskbar.
Maximize – Full screen view of your AgileIM application. Note, this button updates to Normal when AgileIM is maximized.
Normal – Exit Maximized. Only available when AgileIM is maximized.
Close – Exit AgileIM completely.
Note: Under these controls displays the username of your currently connected Windows user.
Contact Support
If the resources do not help solve your issue, or you would like more information, please feel free to contact us at: