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AgileIM’s Reporting functionality gives users a quick and easy way to use information from their AgileIM repository for processes and procedures outside the application.


Generating Reports


AgileIM uses three main Reports out of the box that are driven by AgileIM results and filtering. Generate Report, Generate Container and Generate Content allow you to dynamically use the information from AgileIM’s current view and pass it to a spreadsheet or template.


Generate Report (Ctrl-R)


This option allows you to use many of the left-hand tab areas. For example, A Container can be filtered and reported on with this option.


AgileIM View



Excel View



Generate Container (Ctrl-T)


From Generate Container, the right-hand pane of information can be used in a report. This will include both the Container Information as well as the listed Container Content.


AgileIM View



Excel View



Generate Content (Ctrl-G)


After selecting a particular piece of content, Generate Content can be used to retrieve the information from the Container it’s in, as well as the information for that content.


AgileIM View



Excel View



Custom Templates


Custom templates are user specific templates that can be created to export data to from AgileIM. These Excel spreadsheets can be created and formatted so that AgileIM may insert data into prescribed locations. These templates can then be selected from a drop-down in AgileIM by hovering over the Print > Generate menu items.


Menu Items



This menu options are dynamically updated from the AgileIM master folder in your My Documents folder. Each AgileIM user can Add, Modify and Generate templates here.



Sample Template



In the above Template sample, the container information is laid out so that it is next to the Repository attribute names and content information to be listed below each content attribute.


Sample Report with Data



Sample Custom Templates – Offset Label Printing 4×1

Report in AgileIM can accomplish many reporting and labeling requirements. Below is a sample Label Offset Printing video to demonstrate more of AgileIM Reporting Capabilities.

Creating Custom Report Templates

AgileIM allows you to create a new custom template without the need to create from a blank Excel spreadsheet. Simply search, filter and sort the main view area to the desired report information. In the Report menu, click Create Template. You will be prompted to name your new template.

After completing this creation. Your new report can then be run anytime from your Generate Reports menu. No need to repeat your search, filter and sorting to get the information you need from your report.

Contact Support

If the resources do not help solve your issue, or you would like more information, please feel free to contact us at: support@westernim.com.