Does your Records Management Program Measure Up
Does your Records Management Program Measure Up - Transcript
Compliance and Reporting is the Key!
As we establish our Records Management Program, we often overlook ways to showcase the value of our efforts through compliance and good reporting processes.
Do we have a clear vision of the desired outcome when we establish a Records Management Program?
Attend the presentation and hear why!
Brought to you by the ARMA Edmonton Chapter
Donna Molloy is an ARMA Edmonton Chapter Board member with significant experience in a variety of organizations, primarily government. She has developed and implemented Records Management Programs, created Records Retention Schedules, developed policies and procedures and implemented improved records and information management practices. This work has led her to think back on what worked successfully and how improvements can be made.
Vera Beck is the ARMA Edmonton Chapter President who has significant experience in a variety of setting with much hands-on implementation experience. She has successfully implemented a variety of records and information management projects. Her expertise and practical knowledge have also led her to think about performance measurement for successful Records Management Programs.
IMCanadaConnect is brought to you by ARMA Chapters of Canada. Sponsored by WesternIM