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Events IMCanadaConnect

IMCanadaConnect – RIM Month – Creating a RIM Month Campaign

Wed April 3 at 12:00 CST    
Register Here

Wondering what to do for RIM Month this year?

Join Donna O’Toole as she discusses the key elements necessary to deliver a strategic and measurable RIM Month campaign that stands out in a sea of information.

Donna O’Toole (She/Her) |  Sr. Manager, RIM Governance

Legal, Compliance, Records & Information Management and Privacy

The Co-operators Group Limited

Register today       
Session starts Wednesday, April 3 at 12:00 CST

(1100 BC/YT  1200 AB/NT/SK  1300 MB  1400 ON/QC  1500 NB/NS/PE  1530 NL)

Thanks to the ARMA Terra Nova Chapter

IMCanadaConnect is brought to you by ARMA Chapters of Canada.   Sponsored by WesternIM

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