In preparation of RIM Month coming in April, try running a RIM Scavenger Hunt!
How to Play:
- Develop a list of clues or challenges related to records management, such as “Find a physical record with a retention period of less than 1 year,” or “Locate a departmental records inventory report from the last 12 months.”
- Divide staff members into teams of 2-4 people and provide each team with a list of clues or challenges.
- Encourage teams to work together to complete as many challenges as possible within a set timeframe (such as one week).
- As teams complete challenges, they can submit photos or documentation to a central location (such as a shared online folder or email address) to show that they have completed the task.
- At the end of the designated time period, the team that has completed the most challenges wins.
- As an extra incentive, you could offer a prize or recognition to the winning team, such as a gift card or a certificate of achievement.
This game can be a fun and interactive way to encourage staff members to explore and engage with different aspects of their organization’s records management program, and can help to build awareness and understanding of the importance of good records management practices. It can also help to foster teamwork and collaboration among team members.
10 ideas:
- Find an electronic record that is missing critical metadata, such as date or author.
- Locate a paper record that is stored in an area that does not meet environmental requirements, such as near a source of heat or humidity.
- Find an email that has been saved to an inbox for more than 6 months but is not related to a current project or task.
- Locate a record that has not been accessed or used in the last 5 years.
- Find a record that is currently past its retention period.
- Locate a file that has not been classified according to the organization’s classification system.
- Find a record that contains personal or sensitive information that has not been redacted or protected.
- Locate a document that has been printed multiple times and is creating unnecessary paper waste.
- Find a record that has not been properly labeled or indexed and is difficult to locate or identify.
- Locate a record that is duplicated in multiple locations or systems, causing redundancy and inefficiency.
These challenges can be adjusted or modified to fit the specific needs and challenges of your organization. The goal is to encourage staff members to explore and engage with different aspects of the organization’s records management program and identify opportunities for improvement. Remember to keep the challenges challenging yet achievable, and provide clear instructions and guidance on how to submit completed tasks.