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Current Events IMCanadaConnect

IMCC – Thursday, January 23 at 12:00 CST
Many Hats!  What Have I Learned Creating a Records Management Program              

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Need help with your RIM program?

Join us for an engaging presentation sharing my experience at a 200-year-old university where I have worn many hats to explain our Records Management Office role.

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I hope my experience will help you take your program to another level.

Join us for a virtual session with Courtney Bayne on creating their Records Management Program and her suggested tips about tools and methods of approach to developing a RIM program with an IG focus from the ground up.

Whatever your role, this session offers valuable insights and actionable takeaways from real-world experience.

Courtney Bayne is the University Records Manager for Dalhousie University and has worked in the records and information management (RIM) field for almost two decades. Prior to working at Dalhousie, Courtney worked in the Nova Scotia Provincial government in a variety of departments.

Courtney’s career started in the Nova Scotia Public Archives, while she was achieving a Library and Information Technology (LIT) diploma and loved the RIM field so much she decided to further her education by completing a Masters in Information Management and an Information Governance Professional certification. She is currently working on completing a certificate in Enterprise Data Management.

As an active member of ARMA International, Courtney is an advocate on the importance of networking and continuous professional development.

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Session starts Thursday, January 23 at 12:00 CST

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Thanks to the ARMA Halifax Chapter

IMCanadaConnect is brought to you by ARMA Chapters of Canada.   Sponsored by WesternIM

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